Monday, November 17, 2008


I have been advised that it might be wise to get a blog persona, rather than write about myself so frankly. After all, as I said earlier, someone might actually stumble upon my blog and decide not to employ me based on the shameful scribblings here. So I'm thinking about it. Here are some possibilities I'm considering:

Media critic Josiah P. Barnsplatter
Life coach Arnaud Tiberius DeFong
Real-life vampire Xian Deng Chen
Model train fanatic Cynthia Gordon-Tlatt
New-age Pet-channeler Sunbloom Rae Lakshmi (the former Mrs. Doris Johnson)
Fashion-monger Lyndsie Dawn Stern
Policy wonk Q. Timothy Bratten Mayflower-Heinz Hussein Lehman IV
Conspiracy theorist Barry Charles (not his real name)
Gentle humorist Thorsen Kohler
Goldendoodle-fancier Marjorie H. Jorgensen
Furry fan Felix Kwon

I am taking suggestions, though, so speak up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scum pit mopper Eyejus Pooped Meself