Friday, September 5, 2008

Catching up

As it will, time has slipped by me. The last couple weeks have been busy and I have not had a chance to update this blog. I'm sure my legions of readers are furious.

So, I'm going to spend some time today catching up. Now that I've stopped doing freelance work and I don't have anyone coming to visit me for a month, I'll actually have my Fridays free. I have many plans, as always. My life is a long string of unfulfilled plans.

At certain moments, the thought does come: time is slipping away. You can almost feel it. It's like, most of the time, you're just doing your thing, passing through the world. It's not really possible to stop moving; you move in time, or with it. But, occasionally, you feel like you step outside, or above, the flow, for a moment - like swimming out of the river, clambering up on top of the bank and watching it flow past.

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