Sunday, September 14, 2008

Denial and DFW

I'm having a hard time accepting that David Foster Wallace is dead. By hanging, no less. WTF.

I read Infinite Jest out loud with Melissa when I was in China eleven years ago. It's such a great book, so funny and sad and perverse. I had read The Broom of the System in college. Let me just say that I am against this suicide bullshit. There's nothing romantic about suicide. I can't really believe that he would do it, in spite of being a writer. Is it really that big of a fucking deal if you can't write one now like you could when you were 30 or whatever?

That's probably not the reason. That would be too obvious and according to script. I wonder if he left a note? I wonder how long it was and if it had footnotes.

Was he working on something new? Had he finished it?

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