Monday, January 19, 2009

Goodbye, dick!

Just wanted to take a moment to mark the final day of the seemingly endless term of the Worst President Ever. I will never understand for as long as I live how this pathetic, awful man managed to get elected President twice. It's the kind of thing that makes me hate my fellow Americans for being such idiotic dolts. I know there are people that I like who happen to be Republicans and who may have even voted for Bush. You elected a man of towering ignorance, dangerous stupidity and callous assholery. Twice. Thanks for nearly ruining America. Nice work, douchebags.

I'm looking forward to the new guy. I'm pretty curious to see what's going to happen. I'm cautiously optimistic. Mostly, I'm just relieved we're turning the page. Hopefully, good things are ahead.

What a relief!

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